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HSO and CSA Group Publish National Long-Term ...
Complementary standards address the need for high-quality services and safer environments The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted long-standing issues in Canada’s long-term care (LTC) sector. In early 2021, Health Standards...
Future by design: standards for a climate resilient...
Final Report of the 2016-2021 Standards to Support Resilience in Infrastructure Program Our buildings and infrastructure are designed with weather in mind. We expect our homes to protect us from heavy snow, our stormwater...
Bridging the Standards Divide: Modernizing Standards...
This report analyzes and compiles CATRTA beneficiary countries’ needs in the areas of standards, conformity assessment and technical barriers to trade (TBT), identified during the CIDA funded workshop/roundtable held from May...
Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation...
The long-term impacts of climate change are expected to intensify in the future. With Canada’s average temperature warming at twice the global rate, recognizing impacts like the increasing occurrence of extreme weather...
Using Climate Information in Standards Development
Technical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian StandardsTechnical Companion to the Guide for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Considerations into Canadian...
The Canadian Smart Grid Standards Roadmap
The goal of this document is to provide a roadmap—a strategic plan—to advance the standards environment from today’s legacy electricity grid to tomorrow’s full deployment, operation and evolution of the Canadian Smart Grid...
Shaping the safe evolution of digital technologies...
Artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies have the potential to deliver significant benefits for Canada and the world, but only if they are developed and used responsibly. Standards and conformity assessment...
Discerning signal from noise: The state of global...
This white paper aims to equip SCC's AI and Data Governance Standardization Collaborative with the information necessary to understand how best to leverage AI standards and conformity assessment to advance Canada’s interests...
SCC reveals new Chairperson for ISO flagship ...
The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) is pleased to announce that Jeffrey Hunt, CEO of SHEA Global, is the new Chairperson of the ISO Technical Committee (TC) responsible for developing the ISO 9000 Quality Management series...
Urban Heat Island Mapping Workshop: What We Heard
The effects of urban heat islands pose a threat to Canadians, our infrastructure, and environment. The Standards Council of Canada, alongside four leading organizations from across Canada, hosted a workshop in Fall 2022 to...
Resilience and Adaptation Summary of Corporate...
Standards and conformity assessment are critical enablers of the 21st-century knowledge economy, providing for effective, safe, reliable and interoperable products, services and processes. As it continues to respond to the...